A B O U T G E N E N V A C H I L D R E N' S C E N T E R
Welcome from GCC Director, Sherry Hoselton
I have the greatest job in the world! As both a lifelong Christian and an educator for over thirty years, I get to share my love of learning and my love of Christ with little ones almost every day. On a more personal note, as a mother and grandmother, I understand how important it is for parents to feel their children are being cared for in the best possible way when they are left in the hands of others.
At Geneva Children's Center, our program is held to the highest standards of service, performance, efficiency and professionalism. But perhaps even more important, is my pledge to create a Christian environment for your child that is loving, nurturing and caring. Raising children is the most important job you'll ever do. If you ever have any questions, concerns, need a good listener or a shoulder to cry on, my door is always open.
Sherry Hoselton