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           License Number: 304370859


           Address: 24301 El Toro Road, Laguna Hills, CA 92637


                                                                     Phone: (949)581-2200                                                                                     



Instagram: @genevachildrenscenter


Hours of Operation: 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM



“Train your children right from wrong, and when they are grown, they will do right.” Proverbs 22:6 (Contemporary English Version)



Geneva Children’s Center (GCC) welcomes you and your family to our program for young children. This Parent Handbook explains the philosophy and goals of our Christ-centered preschool. It also describes the standards, policies and procedures necessary to construct a rich learning environment for your child.


Mission Statement

The mission of GCC is to reach out to families looking for a Christian preschool program that instills the love of learning and Jesus to the young child, prepares them for school success and offers a nurturing, developmental early education program in a safe environment.



Children are valued members of God’s family. Our program is designed to provide spiritual, social, emotional, physical, cognitive, and creative experiences at the developmental stages of your young child.


We believe children need to be loved, treasured, developed and respected by caring and experienced teachers in a Christ-centered environment. We provide experiences through teaching, social interaction, play and creative activities to learn and develop during these important years. We believe children benefit when the preschool and family work together to ensure the growth of the whole child. GCC is an integral part of our congregation's ministry to young children and their families. It is also our mission to serve the local communities in any way we can.


Admission and Registration


Admission Requirements

GCC is open to all who desire a Christian preschool education for their child ages 2-6. There is no discrimination on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin.


Admission Procedure

For interest in our preschool please contact the preschool director.  Children are not required to be toilet trained.  Registration will be open to all members of the community. To register, an enrollment packet, proof of immunization and a non-refundable registration fee are required. The enrollment packet includes all required forms for GCC and Community Care Licensing. The Emergency Identification form and the non-refundable registration fee are required to hold your child’s spot. It is necessary to complete all the required forms and provide proof of immunization before your child’s start date.


Registration Fees

GCC charges a one-time registration fee of $100 per child or $150 per family. This fee is due at time of enrollment.



Please notify your child’s teacher via the Brightwheel app if your child will be absent. We appreciate knowing this information because it does help us with staffing.



The preschool has a limited liability/accident insurance policy to cover each child.


Preschool Hours

GCC will remain open from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM Monday through Friday, excluding holidays which are indicated on the school calendar, on our website:, posted on the easels at each entrance of the school and we will also send closure reminders in the Brightwheel app.


Tax Reporting

All tuition payments are recorded and totaled for the year in your Brightwheel billing account.  In late December, you will receive instructions on how to print your statement through your Brightwheel account. Our tax I.D. number (46-3114188) will be at the top of the statement. This statement can be used to report your childcare expenses to the IRS.


Program Objectives and Curriculum


Spiritual Objectives:


Our one priority is to teach children to love GOD!

At GCC we do this by:


  • Moving children to love GOD by inciting WONDER

  • Moving children to love life by provoking DISCOVERY

  • Moving children to love others by fueling PASSION


By teaching the children these simple objectives through chapel once week, reading Bible stories, singing songs and incorporating the monthly bible lesson into our weekly classroom curriculum we will help your children make wiser choices, build stronger relationships and develop a deeper faith.


We make it a point to let each family know that they are now part of the bigger Geneva community by welcoming them to all church activities, programs, inviting them to worship and supporting them through prayer.


Educational Objectives:

  • Social Development helps your child learn the social skills to have a good relationship with other children.

  • Emotional Development lets your child understand their own feelings and the feelings of others.


Social and Emotional Skills your child will develop during their time here at GCC:

  • Confidence

  • Self-Control

  • Forgiveness

  • Problem Solving

  • Kindness and Empathy

  • Goal Setting

  • Positive Self Image


Teachers will create a calm, learning environment filled with trust and respect. Children will be given positive guidance teaching how to treat others in love, solve problems with their peers and enjoy each moment of the day.



The GCC offers a curriculum that is designed and implemented to meet the developmental needs of the children during the appropriate stages of their growth and development. The staff prepare lesson plans that offer enriching activities for large and small group activities. Your child will be able to interact and explore in their classroom as well as play outdoors on our nature explorer playground. GCC also has an outdoor covered classroom that the teachers use on a daily basis. We utilize a program called Learning without Tears to introduce and teach letter writing to the children when they are developmentally ready.


ART: A variety of artistic experiences in various mediums will be provided for your child.


COMMUNICATION: We will focus on listening, pre-reading, pre-writing and comprehension skills.


LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE: Children will enjoy listening to a variety of age-appropriate literature daily. They will learn comprehension and vocabulary through the monthly curriculum themes and be introduced to letters and pre-writing skills during circle time and work choice time.


SECOND LANGUAGE: Other languages, such as sign language and Spanish will be included in circle-time.


MATH (use of manipulatives and visual learning): Children will learn beginning math skills such as patterning, sorting, counting, decimal system and addition.


MOTOR SKILLS: Fine motor skills will be taught through math manipulatives and pre-writing skills as well as art experiences. Gross motor skills will improve through playground games, dance and movement and physical activities.


MUSIC: Children will have the opportunity to learn songs, use instruments and learn rhythm.


PHONICS: Children will be taught phonics as a precursor to reading.


SCIENCE: Children will learn about science through experiments, their senses, classification skills and enjoyment of God’s creation.


CHAPEL: The children will attend chapel in Geneva Presbyterian’s beautiful sanctuary. Chapel will include a weekly Bible story that young children can comprehend, a monthly song and prayer time.


DANCE: These programs may be offered as enhanced education.


Progress Reports and Parent/Teacher Conferences

Progress reports are sent home in December and Parent/teacher conferences are scheduled once a year, usually in April. You are welcome to schedule informal conferences with the teacher at any time of the year, just send a message in the Brightwheel app letting the teacher know you would like to schedule one.


Daily Schedules

 7:00               GCC (Geneva Children’s Center) opens/early morning drop off

 8:30               Half day/extended day students arrive. Open exploration in centers and morning                          circle time.

 9:30                AM Snack (Parent provided. We encourage items from two food groups for                                     snacks.)

 9:45-12:00     Circle time, work choice experience, art, language, science, sensory, music and                               movement

 12:00-12:30    Lunch (Parent provided)

 12:30               Half-day children go home

 1:00-2:30        Quiet Rest Time

 2:30-3:00        Work choice experience, indoor/out activities, and Enrichments

 3:00                 Extended Day students go home

 3:30                 Snack (Parent provided. We encourage items from two food groups for snacks.)

 4:00-6:00         Afternoon enrichment activities, story time, art, and indoor/outdoor activities.  6:00                  GCC Closes


*Chapel is in-person once a week and viewed in our individual classrooms, so all children can

enjoy chapel weekly.



Please refer to the rate chart in effect at the time of registration (available on our website).       The following rules apply to all tuition rates:


1.       Tuition Rates - The rate of tuition you pay is based on the age of your child. Rates are evaluated when a child moves programs.


2.       Tuition Due - Tuition is due on the 1st of every month. Tuition can be paid by check or in the Brightwheel app.                                                       


4.       Late Fees - Accounts paid after the 5th of the month will automatically be charged $25.  Fees more than one week late may result in loss of care until the balance is paid.


 5.     Returned Checks - $25 will be charged for all returned checks and/or overdrawn credit cards.

After two checks have been returned by the bank, we will accept only money orders or cashier’s checks.


 5.      Absentee Credit - We do not give tuition credit for any day(s) that your child is absent, regardless of the reason (e.g. illness, personal vacations, GCC school closure for holidays or fall preparation week).


Tuition rates may be changed at any time as deemed necessary by the Geneva Children’s Center

Board of Directors. A 30-day written notice will be given for any tuition increases.


Late Pick Up Fees

Late fees will be charged for children not picked up promptly at their regularly scheduled pick up times. Parents will be charged a late fee of $5.00 for the first five minutes and $1.00 per minute thereafter. Late fees will be billed to your Brightwheel account. Our center will make every effort to contact you or other authorized adults. If we have not heard from you or other authorized adults within one hour after closing, the child will be considered abandoned and appropriate authorities will be notified.


Active Church Member Discount

Active members of Geneva Presbyterian Church receive a 10% discount per child. This discount must be approved by the Head Pastor of GCC and the guidelines set by GPC need to be adhered to receive this discount.


Multiple Child Discount

A 10% discount(s) is given to siblings of parents having more than one child enrolled in GCC simultaneously. The discount(s) is taken off the lowest tuition rate(s).


Full Payment Discount

Receive a 10% discount if total tuition for the year is paid in advance.


Withdrawal from Preschool

Notification of intent to withdraw your child from the Center must be presented to the Director in writing with at least a two-week notice before withdrawal. The note must include the child’s name, date of withdrawal and your legal signature. No tuition will be refunded except in the case of a one- year payment.


Summer Camp

Camp GCC runs for 8-9 weeks depending on the calendar year. Tuition remains the same for summer camp. A summer fee of $50 will be assessed in May for children currently enrolled and are continuing in the summer and for new summer enrollments. This fee helps offset costs for events and activities in the summer months. GCC offers a theme a week and a variety of fun-filled activities to keep the children learning and engaged.



Policies and Procedures



Your child must be signed-in upon arrival through the Brightwheel app. A daily health inspection is completed before the adult leaves. According to California law, a child who is sick may not remain at the Center (see below).



The state of California requires that only healthy children are in attendance.  Keep your child home is he/she:


•  Has had a fever within the last 24 hours


•  Has vomited in the last 24 hours


•  Is taking an antibiotic and has not been on the antibiotic for more than 24 hours


•  Has diarrhea


•  Has eye discharge or crust (a child with conjunctivitis must stay out of school for 24 hours after the prescription of medication and until all redness and discharge are gone)


•  Has a constant cough or runny nose


•  Has a rash unless the doctor approves in writing the child returning to school


•  Is fussy, cranky, whiney or not acting like himself/herself


•  Has head lice, ringworm or impetigo


•  Has symptoms of a communicable disease (sore throat, sniffles, red eyes, head or abdominal ache and/or fever)


Children who are ill cannot remain in the classroom and must be picked up immediately.  Please message us through the Brightwheel app if your child is unable to attend due to health reasons.  If your child is feeling fatigued, you should keep them home to give them rest as they may have the onset of an illness and may be contagious. After an illness, your child needs to stay home for a period of twenty-four hours after the fever, diarrhea and/or vomiting, without the aid of fever-reducing medicine or any other symptom controlling medicine and/or antibiotics.


If your child is sent home from preschool for any health-related concern, he/she must stay home for the 24-hour period.


Every effort is made to keep you informed of any exposure to contagious illnesses. 

Exposure Notices are posted in the affected classrooms for the incubation period of the illness. The Exposure Notices let you know the symptoms of the illness, its general course, steps the teachers will take and the steps you can take at home. In addition, any additional guidelines required to return to class are listed.


Medication Procedures

Any medicine that must be administered during the school day must be accompanied by a doctor’s note or the original bottle with dosage directions, and the medication authorization form filled out.  The following information must be supplied:


•  Medication name/description and exact amount to be given


•  Time(s) medication is to be given (we will not administer medication more than twice daily


Please make sure that any medicine is given to the teacher or the Director so we can lock it in the medicine box. DO NOT leave any medicine in backpacks or in the cubby. California law requires all medication to be in its original container with doctor/pharmacy labeling.


The preschool staff will strive to make certain your child receives the medication at the prescribed time(s). However, the preschool does not guarantee the medication will be administered.


Allergies: Please list any allergies on the health history form and have the doctor put it on the physician’s report.  It is paramount that you notify the Director if your child has severe allergies and requires the use of an Epi-Pen. There is a CCLD form that MUST be filled out and placed with this medication in your child’s file. We will need to know this important information when we plan our snack schedule and class parties.


Signing In and Out/Brightwheel

It is the California law that each child be signed IN and OUT via the Brightwheel app each day of attendance. Failure to do so can result in a fine of $50/occurrence. Should the Center be assessed any civil penalty due to the failure by you to adhere to this policy, we will pass the financial penalty on to you. Each child must be hand delivered to the classroom. For safety reasons, NO child is to walk alone into class. If you are going to be late, please message us through the Brightwheel app to let us know.


Pick Up Authorization

A child may be picked up by an adult authorized by the parent. The Identification and Emergency Information Form provides a place for the parent(s) to indicate those who would be authorized to pick up their child. If the child is to be picked up by someone not appearing on that list, the parent or guardian must provide the Preschool Director with written, dated authorization before the child can be released from the Center. Identification (Driver’s License) will be required at time of pick up. Children under the age of 18 cannot take your child from the Center.


Items Brought from Home

Except for a comfort item that your child may use at nap time, we ask that you leave your child’s

toys at home or in the car. We cannot be responsible for items brought to the Center which may get lost or damaged.



Your child should wear play clothes and supportive tennis shoes with rubber soles, all of which fit properly. No boots or open toes sandals are allowed.  Items worn should be easy for your child to take on and off, especially for toileting. The Center can be messy, so please send your child in clothing that can get dirty, colored or painted. We encourage children to bring a jacket or sweater on all cool days. Please label your child’s jackets, sweaters or other clothing to insure you get it back.


Rest Time

We respect children’s individual and developmental needs. Therefore, young children are provided with the opportunity to rest each day. Children nap once a day after lunch on individual mats, a fitted crib sheet and lightweight blanket provided by the parents are required. Children must rest daily and as the children grow in the program the naps get shorter. We do not require children to sleep but children must rest on their mats. Bedding will be sent home on the last day of the child’s attendance each week.



If your child is enrolled in a full day program, you must provide lunch and two snacks. We encourage items from two food groups for each snack period. Please pack a healthy lunch - no candy, soft drinks, anything in a glass container and we discourage store bought Lunchables. If providing warm or refrigerated food for your child, send it in an appropriate container as we are NOT able to heat or keep items chilled. Please do not put any peanut butter in your lunch or send any peanuts or nut products to school.


Toilet Training

The teacher will work with parents to develop a toilet training plan for children who are ready to begin potty training. Toilet training is an important milestone for your toddler.  Before toilet training begins, our teachers look for signs that your child is ready physically, cognitively and emotionally and the child’s family is willing to follow through with the process at home. When the potty-training process begins the teacher will ask for several changes of clothing and underwear for us to keep at school. Toilet training should not be a frustrating time for you or your child.  If your child is ready, they will be excited to reach this developmental milestone.

Parents are required to provide their own diapers and wipes for children who are not potty-trained.  We will let you know through the Brightwheel app when your supplies are running low.


Mandated Reporting

It is California state law that any person who has reasonable suspicion of physical abuse or neglect, emotional deprivation, inadequate supervision or sexual abuse must file a report with Child Welfare Services. We are hopeful that we never have to do this but if we do, please know that we do this for the good of the child and your family.



If your child receives an injury (bump, scrape, etc.) at school, the teacher who observed the incident will put it in your child’s Brightwheel account. If the child receives an injury or bump to the head (anything above the shoulders), the lead teacher or the director will call the parent.



Children love celebrating their birthdays at school with their classmates! Please coordinate with your child’s teacher when your child’s birthday is near to see what day would be best to celebrate. We appreciate the celebration treat to be something small like mini cupcakes, muffins, applesauce pouches or yogurt tubes. We will also celebrate and sing to your child in chapel. 


Discipline and Guidance

Guiding children’s behavior is something done throughout the day, not just when a child acts in a way    that is unsafe or unacceptable. We guide behavior by establishing predictable routines, setting clear rules with children, and modeling kindness and respect. We are also attentive and aware of what is going on. Together, these actions help children feel noticed, confident, and secure. Children experience your attention and guidance as a caring embrace holding everything together. They know you’re on their team.


If challenging or unacceptable behaviors continue, it will become necessary to talk with the parent(s), so home and school can work together towards a resolution. If the behavior further continues, the Director will request a meeting with the teacher and the parent(s) to work towards appropriate choices. If the school sees no change in the behavior or if the behavior intensifies, the child may be asked to leave the school.  Lastly, if a child’s behavior endangers himself, another student or staff member (this includes biting), the child may be asked to leave the school immediately.


Emergency Preparedness Plan

Fire and earthquake drills are held regularly and always within the first month of the school year. GCC is prepared for disaster with food, water and provisions for (3) days. We hope that these procedures are never needed, but it helps parents’ peace-of-mind that their children know what to do in an emergency and are taken care of in all situations.  Also, members of our staff are trained in CPR and first aid procedures.


Parent Participation

We welcome parents to our center any time. We just ask that you keep in mind your child and how they may handle your visit and how they will respond when you leave them. If you plan on visiting, please try and make arrangements if with your child’s teacher, if possible. When visiting always check-in with the director first.



Thank you for trusting us with your child. Please let us know if you have any questions, concerns or great ideas for improving our program.  God bless

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